The primary objective of the Turkish Language Teaching Department of the Education Faculty is to train modern, democratic, confident and productive language teachers with vision, who will value science and research, be sensitive to and capable of solving national as well as global problems, and adaptive to changing situations. Our prospective graduates will acquire team work, leadership and effective communication skills, develop ability to use information and educational technology, be receptive to interdisciplinary studies and application of knowledge to various areas, capable of combining theory and practice, and appreciative of culture, arts, as well as diversity. They will acquire effective communication skills, the philosophy of lifelong learning and personal development, critical thinking, be in harmony with self and the environment, and committed to the profession. Moreover, our prospective graduates will meet the requirements stipulated by the Ministry of National Education and Culture (comprising acquisition of knowledge of general culture, professional and vocational knowledge, skills and competence).
It is noteworthy that our main objective is founded on the premises of "Turkish as a mother tongue" and "Teaching" in that it is well known that native language is closely related to cognition; as regards teaching, it is one of the most important professions to transmit the acquired knowledge to future generations. Therefore, the qualification goal of our Department is to train teachers of Turkish who will become custodians of the Turkish language and resist its corruption, ensure cultural transmission of Turkish-our national heritage, as well as, in their future professional practice, teach young learners effective oral and written communication skills, help them develop positive attitude to learning Turkish, as well as value of and love for the Turkish language.
Program Name | Degree | Duration (Years) |
Contact Information
Eastern Mediterranean University
Faculty of Education
Department of Turkish Language Teaching
Famagusta, North Cyprus
Mersin 10 Turkey